📄️ Creating an HTTP Server
A server is, it's a computer that's connected to internet.And in this case, for HTTP, for this protocol, you can request information or you can request to do something on a server from any other client.And a client is anything else, it can be another server, it can be a front end app,it can be a mobile app, it can be anything that's connected to the internet. So there's this whole mechanism of sending a request, and then the server responding to the request.So here's the incoming request, and then here's the response.
📄️ Requests & Responses
- A client can make a request to attempt to do something on a server, and then the server typically has to respond to that client, and then the connection is closed.
📄️ Anatomy of an API
Every API ever shares a common make up. Doesn't matter the language or the environment. What makes them different is, how each one does it and what they build on top if. Let's talk about all those common bits that make up an API.
📄️ Creating a Server with Express
What Express JS?