📄️ About Shell
📄️ Flags
Flags, also known as options, are command-line parameters that can be used to modify the behavior of a command.
📄️ Shortcuts
CTRL is a very commonly used key when on the command line. It's used for shortcuts and also to send very specific signals to bash. Let's start with some of the short cuts.
📄️ Signals
A signal is a notification that you send to a program. It's up to the program to understand what to do with that. It's like if your friend sent you a text message that said "come over." You (the program) are not obligated to do anything but the intent of the text is obvious, they (the user) want you to come over. The same applies here to programs. The good news is that generally everyone abides what's expected: if you send them a message to quit, they quit.
📄️ Files, Pipes, & Permissions
Reading Files