Flags, also known as options, are command-line parameters that can be used to modify the behavior of a command.
- You can add Flags in command by adding one
hyphen and name of the flag.
It return the details of ls command.
ls --help
It return the list of all the directory.
ls -l
mean show also hidden files and directory on this folder.
ls -l -a
- you can also write the Flags on combine without any arrange restruction.
- you can also write multiple flag at same so that we not write -help they consider it
so that why we used the double hyphen.
ls -la
- You can also ignore the folder using flags not showing on the terminal.
ls --ignore=folderName
Both are Valid. It can hide the Vide Folder from the terminal not showing it.
ls --ignore Video
ls -I Video
- You can also ignore multiple Folder by adding the multiple ignore flags.
ls --ignore=Video --ignore=Documents
- return the full details of directory e.g size, permissions, user, group, update date etc.
- -l => list
- -s => size
- -a => all hidden
- -h => with -l and -s, print sizes like 1K 234M 2G etc
ls -lsah
- return the Documents directory size, permissions, user, group, update date etc.
ls Documents -lsah