In order to write useful bash scripts you need if statements. Let's go over how to make more complicated scripts using these control structures.
A conditional is a statement that only runs if a condition is true. Let's say we want to use the path if the user don't provide an argument.~/temp
#! /bin/bash
read -p "enter a file prefix: " FILE_PREFIX
if [ -z $DESTINATION ]; then
echo "no path provided, defaulting to ~/temp"
touch ${FILE_PREFIX}{1..10}.txt
echo done
The are a special notation which actually translate to commands. So our condition actually evaluates to.
test -z ""
echo $? # 0, this is true
test -z "lol"
echo $? # 1, this is false
test 15 -eq 15 # 0
test brian = brian # 0
test brian != brian # 1
test 15 -gt 10 # 0 gt means greater than
test 15 -le 10 # 1 le means less than or equal to
test -e ~/some-file.txt # tests to see if a file exists
test -w ~/some-file.txt # tests to see if a file exists and you can write to it
So you can translate these into if statements like this: man test
if [ -w ~/some-file.txt ]; then
echo "hooray! I can write to this file"
else and elif
What about else and else if? Create a new file called Put this in there
if [ $1 -gt 10 ]; then
echo "greater than 10"
elif [ $1 -lt 10 ]; then
echo "less than 10"
echo "equals 10"
This will let the user give an argument of a number and it will tell you if it's greater than, equal to, or less than 10 using conditionals.
Case Statements
Let's make one more quick program. Make a file called Put this in
case $1 in
echo ":)"
echo ":("
echo ":D"
echo "o()xxx[{::::::::::::::>"
echo "O_O"
echo "I don't know that one yet!"
There's more fanciness you can accomplish with switch statements but I'll let you get more into it if you want to